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Guide to Promote Black Friday Offers with Push Traffic

Guide to Promote Black Friday Offers with Push Traffic

Guide to Promote Black Friday Offers with Push Traffic

Best offer to run in black friday

media buyers,

Black Friday (BF) and Cyber Monday (CM) are next to the corner, so let's talk about how to make more money promoting BF and CM offers with paid push traffic.

Preparation Phase:

1. This is the first thing you should do! We recommend that you choose a product or service you are familiar with or that interests you. For example, if you have experience with antivirus applications, you could promote them in the days before CM, if your hobby is taking pictures with drones, you could find a good affiliate program and take a commission for each drone sold around Black Friday.

2. Go to Google Trends and gather more information—keywords, exactly which products are being searched for in your chosen niche, etc. This will help you gain better information about the market and your competitors.

3. Spy your main competitors – you can spy on them manually via Google or using spy tools like Anstrex for push and native paid ads. Regardless of the method, you select, at this stage, it's a good idea to review as many ads and landing pages related to your niche as possible and see the angles, ads, headlines, and photos that your competitors are using. 

Another good idea would be to subscribe to your competitors email lists. Analyze how they promote their affiliate products during the Black Friday. If there is something that could be useful for your campaigns, then use it. 

Pro-tip: We advise you to write down any angles you see while browsing. If an angle repeats itself twice or more, it's more likely to be good and profitable – you can change it slightly and test it in your campaign.

Making Landing Page and Creatives Phrase:

1. We assume you've read enough of our blog articles, so we won't go into detail about how to create a landing page that converts well. We will just remind you that it is good that your landing pages are optimized for fast loading. A detailed guide on how you can achieve a high loading speed can be found here.

2. For both the landing page and the push ads, use clear images that don't look too professional.

3. Use some hooks in your landing page's headline and in the creative's title. One of the most effective ways to hook your visitors is to create a sense of urgency. Here are some examples of how to do it:

  • For your purposes, the One-Day Deals are the best. Launch deals that expire at midnight without saying that they are one-day deals. Leave it open for a couple of days. 
  • 1 hour deals – You can have one main offer, like 20% discount, that is active only throughout the Black Friday sale. But then offer 50% off for a certain product or service, with the rule that the discount is valid for only an hour. 
  • Consider adding a countdown to your offer's end date – you can use this approach always, not only for Black Friday. 

4. You can personalize your ads and landing pages by displaying this information on your landing page using simple scripts. A landing page that shows a message like “Best and cheapest cases for your beloved [Samsung]” works better than a generic one.

Pro-tip: Don't make new landing pages every year. Just make some changes and use the old one again. 

5. Make sure your landing page is mobile-friendly because many people now use their mobile devices to shop. If your landing page design is not responsive, your profits will go down.  A few recommendations regarding your mobile landing pages:

  • Reduce the number of form fields asking for information from the user by simplifying your mobile form interactions.
  • Cut out all the unnecessary words from your landing page or website.
  • Provide the user with the most relevant information, based on his current stage in the buying cycle.

Ideas to boost your push ads campaigns for Black Friday and Cyber Monday:

1. You can make a Chatbot for your website. A Chatbot can greet your visitor and offer them a special deal and answer their questions. This can really help you turn your visitors into clients. We mean, your visitors would get a remarkable user experience because they could have a meaningful conversation about what they are after.

If your bot could ask the shopper what kind of deal they were looking for and then give them a few gift guide options, and the shopper chose one or more of these options right there.

After the bot gives them a link to your gift guide, he can give them their discount, just for them, if this is in a week leading to Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

2. Give your customers a gift – let them know that they can get a gift if they buy from you. If they buy with you, offer them a few products that are free.

You can even set it up so that they get a gift if they buy enough to reach a certain amount, like $60 worth of stuff, and pick a present.

3. Don't limit your campaign to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, make your deals throughout the weekend.

Most people want to take advantage of Black Friday deals, but you can have something every day.

Another approach would be to provide discounts for certain product segments. By doing this, you can increase your revenue and offer great deals to your online customers. 

4. Make your visitors play a game – This is a great way to build up your email list and increase your sales.

You could put up a pop-up on your site that features a wheel of fortune. The pop-up could collect email addresses, while you send out coupons that could be used throughout the weekend and on Cyber Monday.

This can significantly improve your conversion rate, and it's a fun way to engage users.

What do we recommend for promoting with Pushground and Push ads?

offer to promote in black friday with push traffic


Many people believe that they will be luckier during the days of BF&CM.

People spend a lot on non-essentials the days after the BF&CM, which is why we see a significant increase in participation in lottery games and sweeps. 

If you want to promote your sweepstakes offers, make sure to update your landing pages for the Black Friday & Cyber Monday event.

A good angle is that they don't have to wait for retail stores to open and fight with other customers to get the item they want. They can simply win the item they like by participating in your sweepstakes offer.


Black Friday & Cyber Monday is the biggest shopping weekend of the year, so all online shopping offers will have many deals.

With so many Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals appearing online, finding the perfect holiday gift will be easier than ever.

During these two days, eCommerce offers are usually on fashion or electronics products. Fashion brands typically see a big increase in revenue on Cyber Monday, and tech brands have the most transactions on this day. People often turn to electronics as holiday gifts, so offers that feature gadgets may be more successful on Black Friday and Cyber Monday than those that offer books or niche items.

Gambling and Sports Betting

People feel that they are luckier during the holiday season.

Furthermore, many people believe that losing money at this time of the year is acceptable since they are simply having fun.

People are more likely to lose during holidays because of their irrational beliefs about luck. If you promote Rev-share gambling offers, you have a better chance of earning more.

Poker, slots, and betting on sports and racing are popular during the holiday season. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are great times to promote gambling brands. 


People use the holiday season to explore new things because of the leisure time. Many also feel lonely and would like to have a companion, even if it's only online or for a short time And as a result, adult products and services would be more open to people.

Streaming and other Mobile Content

Users expect to have a lot of spare time due to the holidays. It is likely that people who don't intend to go out would look for other ways to keep themselves entertained at home – playing video games or watching movies online. 

Even lesser-known video streaming sites can be promoted if they have an excellent Black Friday and Cyber Monday offer.

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